Dna book of mormon 2013

Given sorensons point of view, and his status in lds apologetic circles, it is revealing to take a look at his reaction to the arrival of dna research. Aug, 2019 when the winter olympic games were held in salt lake city in 2002, president gordon b. The book of mormon, the founding document of the latter day saint movement and one of the. Anti mormon groups claim that a lack of dna evidence connecting the people of south and central america to the middle east is proof that the book of mormon is not a true record of jewish people in the new world. Sorensons first thoughts on dna appear in two papers published by farms in the journal of book of mormon studies in 2000. This article addresses how it relates to the book of mormon. Nov 26, 2011 sorenson, siberian dna, and book of mormon directions date.

A recently published book claims that dna evidence proves that the book of mormon, a book of scripture used in conjunction with the bible by the mormon church, is incorrect and points to an asiatic origin versus a middle eastern origin for the inhabitants of the american continents about 100 genetic studies have been done on about 75 groups out of 500 known native. One group twists scripture to fit the science while the other twists science to fit scripture. Fundamental historical claims of the book of mormon are challenged by new genetic research. Firetag 49 comments like many people who consider the book of mormon as scripture, i am fascinated by questions about where it has a setting in ancient historical events. The board of directors at the book of mormon foundation has felt an urge to promote the message of repentance within the book of mormon. The article noted that the changes included revisions to study aids, new photos, updated maps, making historical and contextual adjustments to the section headings of 76 sections of. Miraculous claims surrounding the coming forth of the book of mormon are an evidence of the prophetic calling of joseph smith. Like skunk spray, they can catch you by surprise, blind you, and leave you in a really foul condition. The strongest evidence yet against the book of mormon. Critics intent on discrediting the restoration point to dna studies on indigenous american peoples. Strengthening ones testimony in the face of criticism and doubt, 195207. Response to rodney meldrums incredible new dna evidence.

Sandra jean 4 june 20 steve w2 and dna evidence disproving book of mormon hi steve. The book of mormon has traditionally been presented as a historical account of the first inhabitants of the americas the principle ancestors of the native americans. The book of mormon documentary examines and compares genetic evidence identifying the dna fingerprints of the jewish populations and american indian populations, and presents the testimony of several dna experts in seeking to answer the question, are israelites the principal ancestors of native american indians. Jul 26, 2015 over the past several years there has been a lot of debate over dna and the book of mormon. I also sent a copy to byu university, to farms, the mormons branch that is. Dont get too excited about the new dna evidence linking. Apr 17, 2015 nothing is known about the dna of book of mormon peoples, and even if their genetic profile were known, there are sound scientific reasons that it might remain undetected. A recently published book claims that dna evidence proves the book of mormon, one of the books of scripture used by the mormon church, incorrect. Dna marker x2aj is probably the greatest dna evidence for the book of mormon thus far. The book of mormon, the founding document of the latter day saint movement and one of the four books of scripture of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church, is an account of three groups of people.

The arrival of the dna research has split the book of mormon apologetic community. In the past few years, dna studies have been used to provide what may be the strongest and most convincing evidence so far against the authenticity of the book of mormon. Some argue dna disproves the historicity of the book of mormon. A youtube clip entitled dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence is causing a stir among mormons as it has appeared on websites such as, ldsliving, prepare to serve youtube site and lds smile. Subsequent generations inherit only the dna of the survivors. This must mean that amerindians are not descended from book of mormon peoples, and the book of mormon is false. Dna questions with rod meldrum book of mormon evidence. Mormon challenges no jewish dna in ancient americabook of. For these same reasons, arguments that some defenders of the book of mormon make based on dna studies are also speculative. Not only does the dna, ancient languages and archaeology all line up, but it makes logical and spiritual sense, confirming that the ancient prophecies of the book of mormon are true. The book of mormon claims that the native american peoples are descended from the house of israel, but the dna evidence, according to this book, points to an asiatic origin for the american continents native people. Order the dvd at for more than 170 years, the church of jesus christ of latterday saints has declared the book of.

I purchased over 50 copies of this dvd and sent them to mormon temples in the united states and abroad. If the book of mormon is false, joseph smith was not a prophet. Debate renewed with change in book of mormon introduction. Nothing is known about the dna of book of mormon peoples, and even if. Hinckley was asked by a reporter if he had a comment about the lack of dna evidence for the book of mormon he simply responded that all the information wasnt in yet. The book of mormon claims that a family left jerusalem and traveled to somewhere in the western hemisphere. Archaeological and historical evidence dna and the book. The similarities to the book of mormon premise are striking.

The full text of this article can be found at deseret news online. There are several theories as to the origin of the book of mormon. Book of mormon apologetics in the 21st century simons dna. Up until very recently there has been very little support for this claim found in the dna sequencing of native americans. Over 66,000 people viewed the video in the two weeks after it appeared. In this article, we will provide some background on this issue focusing on the scientific issues, followed by a point by point response to various statements made in the essay about the book of mormon. Maxwell institute for religious scholarship, 20, 249. Most adherents to the latter day saint movement view the book as a work of inspired scripture. John dehlins mormon stories essay on dna and the book of mormon makes the following claim. In addition to the catastrophic war at the end of the book of mormon, the european conquest of the americas in the 15th and 16th centuries touched off just such a cataclysmic chain of events.

Do they discredit the book of mormon, or is there biological and other scientific evidence that. The book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation. Dna evidence reported in nature in november 20 shows support for american indian dna that descends from areas including the middle east. The reality, however, is that israelitelikejew,mormon, or americanis a cultural rather than biological definition. The theory that the book of mormon is an ancient american history is not accepted as scientifically verifiable by the mainstream. If, in fact, the book of mormon gold plates were delivered to joseph smith not by an angel but by a white salamander as mark hofmanns eventually exposed. Dna and the book of mormon explained fulllength video youtube. All opinions, speakers and presenters represent and express their own individual opinions, and not necessarily the opinions of firm foundation, book of mormon evidence, or its employees, and no information or opinions represent the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. New discoveries in dna research currently allow scientists to test this historical claim.

Enough is known about the dna lineages of jews to be very confident that. Over the past several years there has been a lot of debate over dna and the book of mormon. At the end of february, 20, the deseret news featured an amazing article. Book of mormon studies and dna gospel topic page on published january 2014. Jan, 2016 dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence that proves the book of mormon. Book of mormon and dna studies as recent as 2005 i was taught by a 35 year old at the timemormon missionary from poland that american indians are the descendants of lamanites who decended from lehis rebel kids lamanlemuel etc. Dna and the book of mormon archives mormon stories essays. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence youtube. Critics of the lds church recently latched onto dna studies that point to a predominant asiatic origin to the american indians and conclude that the book of mormon cannot be an ancient record as claimed by joseph smith. In this episode, three geneticists respond to the lds essay book of mormon and dna studies, and to apologist michael ashs article entitled the dna challenge to the book of mormon that fizzled. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. More nailpounding into the mormon churchs lamanite dna. Rod is a friend of mine and a member of my hp group, but he has oversimplified this dna matter, aside from falsely stating 1 that the maya are the center of interest of those who consider the book of mormon to be a mesoamerican codex, and 2 that they focus on the maya because they think that joseph smith did so as well.

Dna and the book of mormon explained fulllength video. Sorenson, siberian dna, and book of mormon directions wheat. Tuesday, november 26, 20 dont get too excited about the new dna evidence linking native americans and the middle east. This view finds no acceptance outside of mormonism. Genetic attacks on the book of mormon focus on the fact that amerindian dna seems closest to asian dna, and not dna from the middle east or jewish dna. However, this attack ignores several key points, among which is the fact that the book of mormon states. Utah was buzzing with people trying to determine what had been changed and why. Does dna evidence prove the book of mormon to be false.

The lenba sic are a group of 80,000 south africans who claim jewish heritage, practice many jewish rituals, and claimed to be descended from small group of middle eastern men perhaps as small as seven who migrated to south east africa 2,500 years ago and intermarried with the local women. It is a record of gods dealings with ancient inhabitants of the americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. The most common belief of adherents is that promoted by joseph smith, who said he translated ancient golden plates inscribed by prophets. The book of mormon and the x haplogroupagain fairmormon. Many of the essays address controversial issues from the churchs history. Nov 05, 20 discussions of book of mormon issues and evidences, plus other topics related to the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. Does dna evidence prove the book of mormon is false.

Dna samples taken from modern american indians show no connection to the dna of the peoples of the middle east. The title page of the book of mormon states it is an abridgment of the record of the people of nephi, and also of the lamanites written to the lamanites, who are a. Most, but not all, mormons hold the book s connection to ancient american history as an article of their faith. Apr 29, 2010 the book of mormon and the x haplogroup. Archaeological and historical evidence dna and the book of. As concluded in that essay, genetic studies on past populations involve many complicated factors, making it impossible to either prove or disprove the book of mormon. The book of mormon teaches that these israelites are the principal ancestors of modernday native americans. Mormons and mitochondrial dna by chad ressler in august 2004 simon southerton released a book entitled losing a lost tribe. You will see articles concerning that subject in current issues of the witness. Changes in the lds scriptures 20 at the end of february, 20, the deseret news featured an amazing article.

Sep 16, 2016 the question as to who lived in the americas in addition to book of mormon peoples is not one of doctrine or revelation, but is one of personal opinion based on research and evidence, including textual evidence from the book of mormon. This interpretation, still dominant among members of the lds church, remained in the introduction to the book of mormon until recently. The 20 study changes nothing of relevance to the book of mormon or to the dna problem with the claim that israelites were significant ancestors of the native american peoples. Thousands of native americans from more than 150 tribes have been tested to determine their ancestry. The first camp, l argely composed of churchsponsored byu academics, has dominated. The dna truth that the mormon belief that they are related to the american indians is false. Using both the 1st edition and the current edition of the book of mormon to compare against known discoveries. The lds church released an essay on their website titled book of mormon and dna studies. The mainstream scientific consensus about the origin of the ancient americans and peoples is at odds with the claims put forth in the book of mormon, though mormon apologists have made efforts to reconcile these contradictions. It might be useful to point out to the casual reader of these articles, that the scholars involved in critiquing the annotated edition of the book of mormon differ from the editors on some fundamental assumptions which accounts for much of the discord and criticism in their expose. It is conceivable that much of the dna of book of mormon peoples did not survive for the same reason. The essays seek to explain the events in an easy to understand format for both members of the church and other individuals that may be interested in mormon history.

Book of mormon and dna studies church of jesus christ. The essay asserts that dna studies cannot be used decisively to either affirm or reject the historical authenticity of the book of mormon. The book of mormon and the new world dna deseret book. X2aj is not found in north america but its importance to native american dna is virtually unknown. Nothing is known about the extent of intermarriage and genetic mixing between book of mormon peoples or their descendants and other inhabitants of the americas, though some mixing appears evident, even during the period covered by the book s text. Its the 5ton elephant in the room that researchers geneticist do not want to talk about. A statement on our united position visavis creation and dna dating. Human occupation of the americas began thousands of years before the jaredites would have existed. Genetic drift particularly affects mitochondrial dna and ychromosome dna, but it also leads to the loss of variation in autosomal dna. Other than a few extreme examples, current jewish populations from whence samples are drawn for israelite dna do not necessarily reflect the dna makeup of ancient israelite populations. Holland master thesis, byu, 1966, page 1 2 the introduction was modified in 2010 3 dna evidence does not support the american indian as a lamanite descendant. For example, a 20 study states that as much as onethird of native american dna. Book of mormon and dna studies response to an essay on book of mormon and dna studies was added on 114 in the topical guide of the website. Dna science challenges lds history christian research.

A oneword change in the introduction to a 2006 edition of the book of. This, incidentally, converges with one of the changes that the church made to the introduction of the 20 edition of the book of mormon. The documentary is a must see for all those who view the book of mormon as an accurate history of the native american indians. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence general. Smith retrieved the plates, and his translation of them was published in 1830 and titled the book of mormon. Lamanite identity and the book of mormon ash, michael r lamanite identity and the book of mormon. The book of mormon for more than 170 years, the church of jesus christ of latterday saints has declared the book of mormon to be a scriptural and literal history. In 2014, the lds church released an essay addressing this issue. Dna evidence of the book of mormon in north america, linking. Published november 20, 20 nearly onethird of native american genes come from.

Smith claimed the angel moroni, a prophet in the book of mormon, directed him in the 1820s to a. Many members of the latter day saint movement claim historical authenticity of the book of mormon. The book of mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the bible. The 20 study changes nothing of relevance to the book of mormon or to the dna problem with the claim that israelites were significant. Meldrum and stephens examine the merits and the fallacies of dnabased interpretations that challenge the book of mormons historicity. Nothing is known about the dna of book of mormon peoples, and even if their genetic profile were known, there are sound scientific reasons that it might remain undetected. A house divided book of mormon apologetics in the 21st. The first camp, l argely composed of churchsponsored byu academics, has dominated lds apologetics for the latter half of the last century. Mormon essays publishes links to the recent essays written by the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, or the mormon church.

Exploring the book of mormon in americas heartland book. Another testament of jesus christ, is true, not false. Some argue dna disproves the historicity of the book of mormon while others say it offers supporting evidence. Its time to point out the skunk and explain the danger. Taking for granted that the book of mormon people existed in history, the migrations took place at the same time, the groups were of similar size, both had israelite dna, and likely intermarried with the locals. The dna arguments, like many others against the book of mormon, can be extremely misleading. The book of mormon documentary accurately presents the consensus of the scientific community that northern asia not israel is the place of origin of the native american indians. Nov 06, 2006 the book of mormon teaches that these israelites are the principal ancestors of modernday native americans. May 19, 2018 when the winter olympic games were held in salt lake city in 2002, president gordon b. Perego, is decrypting the genetic legacy of americas indigenous populations key to the historicity of. According to the book, two of these groups originated from ancient israel. What is the controversy surrounding dna and the book of mormon.

In november 20 nature published a discovery on an upper paleolithic siberian site linking western eurasians in the middle. Sep 08, 2016 on january 31, 2014, the lds church published an essay entitled book of mormon and dna studies in the gospel topics series on its official website. The criticism of the mormon church is the following. The lds discussions annotated essay on dna studies and the book of. Subtitled another testament of jesus christ, it recounts the story story of an israelite family who immigrated to and fully populated the american continents. I also sent a copy to byu university, to farms, the mormons branch that is in charge of protecting mormon beliefs, asking how i could refute this dvd. Steve w2 and dna evidence disproving book of mormon. We continue our tour of the gospel topics essays and with the essay book of mormon and dna studies the goal to share the lds churchs gospel topic essays and help the both the believing member and the nonbeliever get a sense of the why these essays were written, who the intended audience is, whether these essays resolve the concerns of the faithful and nonbeliever and why they.